Sunday 29 April 2012

Thoughts That Becomes Action

Thought is One of the Most Powerful Creation that has been implanted by Almighty The Creator into the Human being. Thoughts must be embedded with Divine Formula, if we fail to do so then the devil and evil self will begin to create their profile into your thoughts which subsequently becomes a deadly virus that would dominate the entire system of the Man's Brain , Mind set and emotional dimension.
It is the Thought that becomes Feelings the feelings becomes the actions influenced by the strength and intensity of the feelings , the actions then end up to become results, then its decides of your achievements.

Therefore , if we do not enforce a powerful formula into the system of our being not only to your brain but also your deep inner conscious mind and sub conscious mind you will meet failures of thoughts , followed by failed feelings , discouraged actions and achieve total failure.

Join Our lessons On Divine Formula Program at Conscious and Sub Conscious Level
Your Freedom to A Higher Conscious Mind.m

The Reality of Worship

Prayer is the Outer form of Worship, Then what is the Reality and meaning of worship?.
If we do not understand the Inner and outer dimension of Prayer,then we have not understood
the real meaning of worship.

Prayer is not a meeting with a human king , not with a president nor with a Prime Minister

The Companions are from Zahideen , Almighty Allah SWT mentions that in Al Quraan very clearly
and this implies Zuhud is approved and the real quality of a Mukminin.

How to acquire to become a Zahid , the quality of zahideen ?,The seeking of the knowledge                                                is very important in the field of becoming a zaheed.

Join Our session On How to become A Zaheed Like The Companions of the Holy Prophet SAW
Knowledge of Zuhud will your inner dimension to acquire the Focus of the heart.And this Focus
will lead you to be conscious of Almighty Allah's Presence.

Solatun Daiem

The Outer prayer is the internal manifestation of continous prayers and beyond the zone of time and place.This is confirmed in Al Quran by Almighty Allah SWT's message 

Dan mereka yang menjaga amanah dan janjinya;[9]Dan mereka yang tetap memelihara sembahyangnya;
Surah 23 Al Mukmin Verse - 8 and 9 

This verse clearly shows that Almighty Allah emphasize on protecting the prayer [ Inner and Outer dimension] , we take very cautiously all that we do in our life activities from cooking, business , social contacts and every petty things in , while the highest form of our work , life surrender which is prayer to Our Lord is taken very lightly and no care is given to establish an inner quality prayer.

What is the Amanah and janji [ a convenant ] and a contract whcih we have pledged to Allah Almighty SWT in Alamul Arwah - without fullfilling this convenant - we cannot fullfill the protection into the prayers.

(Sambil dikatakan kepada mereka): “Bukankah ayat-ayatKu selalu dibacakan kepada kamu, lalu kamu terus-menerus mendustakannya?”

Join Our " Solat Khusuyu Program" [ Free of Charge ] Conducted on Selected Weekend