Tuesday 9 October 2012

Muslims Who do they Worship?

Muslims are  either  are  worshipping  their  Nafs
or  they  are  worshippings  the  Syaitan
or  they  are  worshiping  the  dunya  and  the  material world -  this  is  very  evident  in  the  process
of  their  worships  that  they  are  fully  occupied  by  the  thoughts  and  reminders  of  the  world, more
than  they  are  inclined  to  Almighty  Allah  SWT.

Dr  Ismail Kassim 

The Light of KALIMAH - Dr Ismail Kassim

Tuntulah  ILMU  KALIMAH  LA  ILAHA ILLALLAH mematuhi perintah Allah SWT , Firman Allah SWT  , seruan Allah SWT 
seperti  Firman Allah  SWT  
[  Surah Muhammad  -  ayat 19]

KALIMAH  Ini  adalah KALIMAH  ROBB  and  luasnya  kalimah  ROBB  

lebih  luas  dari  tujuh  lautan  dan  lebih  luas  lagi  jika  di  tambah dengan 7  lagi  lautan
[  Surah Lukman -  ayat  27 ]

[  Surah Al Kahfi -  ayat 109]

Jika  kita  menunututnya  - Pasti  kita  akan  mati  dapat  menyaksikanya 
Dan siapa  yang  mati  dengan KALIMAH  in  sebagai  Akhir  KALIMAH 
Allah  SWT  dan  RasoolAllah  SAW  menjamin  Syurga -  satu  Jaminan  yang  BENAR
dan  Tulus .

Sesiapa  yang  dapat  menyaksikan KALIMAH  LA  ILAHA ILLALLAH  sebagai  akhir  kalam akan di  jamin syurga
keatasnya [  Maksud  Hadis ] 

Tanpa belajar  ILMU ini ,  nescaya kita  tidak akan  dapat  menghembuskan Nafas akhir dari dunya ini dengan

2  hari lepas seorang  anak  murid Sultanul  Arifien Syed  Noorullah  Shah Sarkar meninggal  dunia  dengan 
Bersaksi KALIMAH  LA  ILAHA  ILLALLAH dan  dia  memanggil  semua  ahli  keluarganya  dan  berulang-ulang
ucapannya  mengatakan  bahawa  dia  sedang  menyaksikan  Cahaya  Nabi  SAW  dan  kedatang  Azrail [as]
untuk membawa  dia  kepada Allah  SWT dan  bersumpah  kepada  ahli  keluarganya  supaya menuntut ILMU
KALIMAH  ini  sebelum mati  agar  dapat  Rahmat  yang  di nikmatinya dan dia merasa  amat  bahagia meninggalkan
dunia ini kerana  Allah  SWT  telah  membuka kan pintu  langit  untuk  menyaksikan  SYURGA  dengan ucapan
dan  penyaksian  KALIMAH  LA  ILAHA  ILLALLAH .  Al  fathiha kepada  Saudara  Sheikh Abdullah Yasin.

Dan  perkara  ini  telah  kita  saksikan  keatas  jemaah  kita  yang  meninggal bulan lepas 11.05.2012 Allahyarhama Hajjah  Mumtaz
yang  telah  mempelajari  ILMU  KALIMAH  ini  dan  meninggalkan  Dunya  ini  dengan  KALIMAH  SYAHADAH.
Dia tekun dan  amat  berminat  mempelajari ilmu  ini masa  hayyat nya  dan kini berada  dalam  barzakh  dengan
janji Benar  Nabi  Muhammad  SAW. 

Dr  Ismail Kassim 

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Ingredient of Good Prayer - Solat

What are the best ingredient of a good Solat?.
You should learn and know this , if not you will submitting unplatable dishes of worships to Almighty Allah.

If you patron a good restaurant regularly it is because you enjoy the dishes prepared the way you taste buds enjoy the ingredients. Not as any other kitchen places or restaurants that would prepare for you.

You must know the right and appropriate ingredient that Almighty Allah SWT prefers in your worship dishes.

Know the lessons and the course of the preparation of a good worship.Your Worship is your only salvation in the presence of Almighty Allah in this Life , Alamul Barzakh and Yaumul Qiyamah. So prepare the best of the preparation to meet up with Your Lord with Best of the Dishes of your deeds not just any dishes, but the BEST OF THE BEST.

Your Lord Almighty expects you to bring the best of the dishes and not the worst and low class quality dishes.
Join our courses and classes to improve your quality of worships, We have many testimonies from those who have improved their prayers right after one class.

Muslims Worship Their Worshippings

Muslims worships their worshipings and deeds.
They do not worship Almighty Allah SWT.

The reality is clearly indicated by their sheer ignorance about Almighty Allah SWT, ask them if
they worship Almighty Allah SWT , do they Feel the presence of Almighty Allah SWT during
their 5 times daily prayers.

They will clearly and honestly admit to you that many thoughts about business and their work and even
the menu in the kicthen appeared in their mind and all that lost thoughst appeared in their mind and right
before their eyes in detail.

They will admit to you syaitan disturbs them very much and they could feel the bite of the ants and mosquitos more than any feeling of Divine Presence.

This is why Almighty Allah SWT openly declares that the Muslims are worshiping syaitan in their prayers and all forms of other worshipings.  Surah Yasin Verse 60.

They have only resorted their efforts and mind in studying about the worship neither to Know the Lord nor to understand themselves.

Realize before the last breath and your life grabbed by Azrail the angel of death. You have time , money , energy and determination to spend to study courses to fill your stomach and buy luxuries in life but never even think a moment to enhance your relationship to Almighty Allah SWT.

Join Our weekly course to improve your focus and concentration in prayers, achievable from the first course itself, No Charges No Obligation of whatsoever.
Shaykh  Dr  Ismail Kassim

Universal Worship To One Creator

If we all are Created by One Creator , One Lord , One Operator of the entire Universe , we must have
an Universal Form of Worship.

It is impossible The One and Only Creator confuses His Creations with many kinds of worships and forms
of Worships and Prayers. It is either that he Confuses the Creations and His Subjects or the Creations are confused by Devil and negative energies which is constantly misleading the creations from the right path to the wrong path.

How can a King of country or the President or a Prime Minister of A Country forces many a rule for their subjects and produces partiality and differences in rule and commands. This will elad the nation to a chaotic situations and atlast lead to collapse of the Government.

As a matter of fact, the creations misperception of the Lord true of worship should actually lead to destruction of the entire World, but then again it is the Divine Power that holds the entire Universe not to collapse.

Dear brothers realize this truth and fact and think which is Most Universal Way of Worship and find out as we have been given a powerful tool to think and discover the truth and reality. We are bound to find this truth before we are forced or commanded to meet our Lord Almighty the Creation upon the death of all humanities, know that now the science and scientist that the Humanity worship and has taken as a guide and map to find out the life's reality has accepted the truth that there is a Life after the death, as they realized teh Soul and The heart will live forever and the breath will not die.

The Breath , The Heart and the Soul was alive before we were born and now as these 3 leaves our body after the life span of the physical body it will take shape and form into another body that has been planned , retaining the form and the face of the person and then will live forever.

Join Our classes , To Know and Realize the Truth of The Physical, Mind and Soul Body.
How to find out with Logic and Reality that we are doing the Universal Form of Worship directed, commanded  and Designed by the Creator.

What is The Proof We Are Created to Worship

It is very important for every creation among the human beings to know this reality and question.
Animals do not need to answer this question as they have not been endowed with a Mind or any
intellect to think about this reality and fact of creation.

But every humanity is bound to know.
Why do i need to find out that Almighty Allah SWT Created me only for Worship as indicated in 
[Surah Al Zariayh Verse - 56] , " I have not created Jinns and Humans except to worship Me.

If we know this answer and realize the reality behind the truth, then you will come to understand 
and realize that what Almighty Allah SWT Says is absolute truth and factual.

Learn about the Reality of Creation in our Class conducted on Weekends.
FREE OF CHARGE and No Obligation.
Develop Your Spiritual Wings and Fly to the Heavens High to Surrender and Submit to 
Almighty Lord The Creator and The One Who is Only to be Worshipped.

The Inner Reality Of Worship In Creations

Do you know Why Almighty Allah SWT created you?. And all other human beings , were all these creations including the Jinnis and the angels created for nothing , and later to be thrown into the dust for waste.

This can never be for an Universally bigger plan of Almighty, Billions of Stars , Planets and Billions of Galaxies created later to be destroyed. No mind of intellect will accept this notion and perception.

The matter is we are inclined to follow the false perception broadcasted by the mind and the inner self which consist of Devil and Negative Energy which intends to keep you away from the Powerful Positive Energy of Almighty Lord.

Firstly, you should understand every planets stars and billions of galaxies are revolving in absolute worship and submission. Why cant you see that fact clearly ?. Because your soul and heart have not understood the reality of Divinity and Process of Divine Submission behind every creation.

Look at the sun and all other planets and stars never it has diverted from its set course of movement be it for a second or a minute, This shows they are in utter submission and absolute following of command and authority of A Powerful Divine order.

Why then Humans are not following the commands and authority of Almighty The Poweful ?. It is simply because they have not sought the knowledge of Divine Power and Rule to prepare themselves to be in course of absolute surrender and submission.

This is the manifestation in prayer , therefore without the element of internal surrender and submission and absolute display of Unity Tauhid in your prayer , the prayers carries no value , and will never take its wings to the presence of Almighty Allah SWT, but rather will drop over your own face and become an act that invites curse [ Wailun lil Musalin - Curse on those who pray and they are astrayed in their prayer - Surah Al Maun Ayat 5] Not only they invite curse from their act of worship but also they branded by Almighty Allah SWT as the liars of the religion.

Please brothers and sister think deeply, contemplate the state of your prayers and worships and learn how to improve everytime you face the Lord Almighty Allah SWT during the course of your 5 times prayer day and night, without which all your act of worships will be thrown at your face by the angels who are supposed to carry them to the presence of Almighty Allah SWT , are we not ashamed to know and act with full diligence and concentration when we talk to our boss , with full attention and respect when we are with our Ministers or Prime Minister , we bow with full respect and honor when we meet our king and Sultan, we are fully absorbed when we are with our darling and beloved soul partner , is Almighty Allah SWT less than any of these weak and created beings?.

Come and Join our Free Classes on improving your Focus and Concentration in Solat.Classes every weekend. FREE OF CHARGE.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Thoughts That Becomes Action

Thought is One of the Most Powerful Creation that has been implanted by Almighty The Creator into the Human being. Thoughts must be embedded with Divine Formula, if we fail to do so then the devil and evil self will begin to create their profile into your thoughts which subsequently becomes a deadly virus that would dominate the entire system of the Man's Brain , Mind set and emotional dimension.
It is the Thought that becomes Feelings the feelings becomes the actions influenced by the strength and intensity of the feelings , the actions then end up to become results, then its decides of your achievements.

Therefore , if we do not enforce a powerful formula into the system of our being not only to your brain but also your deep inner conscious mind and sub conscious mind you will meet failures of thoughts , followed by failed feelings , discouraged actions and achieve total failure.

Join Our lessons On Divine Formula Program at Conscious and Sub Conscious Level
Your Freedom to A Higher Conscious Mind.m

The Reality of Worship

Prayer is the Outer form of Worship, Then what is the Reality and meaning of worship?.
If we do not understand the Inner and outer dimension of Prayer,then we have not understood
the real meaning of worship.

Prayer is not a meeting with a human king , not with a president nor with a Prime Minister

The Companions are from Zahideen , Almighty Allah SWT mentions that in Al Quraan very clearly
and this implies Zuhud is approved and the real quality of a Mukminin.

How to acquire to become a Zahid , the quality of zahideen ?,The seeking of the knowledge                                                is very important in the field of becoming a zaheed.

Join Our session On How to become A Zaheed Like The Companions of the Holy Prophet SAW
Knowledge of Zuhud will your inner dimension to acquire the Focus of the heart.And this Focus
will lead you to be conscious of Almighty Allah's Presence.

Solatun Daiem

The Outer prayer is the internal manifestation of continous prayers and beyond the zone of time and place.This is confirmed in Al Quran by Almighty Allah SWT's message 

Dan mereka yang menjaga amanah dan janjinya;[9]Dan mereka yang tetap memelihara sembahyangnya;
Surah 23 Al Mukmin Verse - 8 and 9 

This verse clearly shows that Almighty Allah emphasize on protecting the prayer [ Inner and Outer dimension] , we take very cautiously all that we do in our life activities from cooking, business , social contacts and every petty things in , while the highest form of our work , life surrender which is prayer to Our Lord is taken very lightly and no care is given to establish an inner quality prayer.

What is the Amanah and janji [ a convenant ] and a contract whcih we have pledged to Allah Almighty SWT in Alamul Arwah - without fullfilling this convenant - we cannot fullfill the protection into the prayers.

(Sambil dikatakan kepada mereka): “Bukankah ayat-ayatKu selalu dibacakan kepada kamu, lalu kamu terus-menerus mendustakannya?”

Join Our " Solat Khusuyu Program" [ Free of Charge ] Conducted on Selected Weekend